When it comes to a good night’s sleep, sometimes you can’t afford to be thrifty. In this case, you often do get exactly what you pay for. So it’s good to understand the preferences you naturally have in order to select bedding and accessories that will serve you best.
Be Choosy
When shopping for a bed, don’t just take the word of the associates. Shop around, compare prices, actually lay down on floor models and find out what suits your needs the best. You can’t just trust your sight when it comes to finding the perfect mattress. This is why many people don’t enjoy ordering them online.
All kinds of mattresses exist. You can find a spring, foam, water, and even a latex mattress if you genuinely need one. Make sure to do some research into the matter so you wind up with a mattress that not only supports your spine properly, but also possesses good airflow to minimize heat trapping.
Take Note of Your Environment
Depending on where you live, the temperature can fluctuate rapidly. This is especially true if you live up high where heat rises. Take note of this and buy airy, breathable sheets and sleepwear that can easily redirect heat away from you at night, cooling you down and keeping you asleep for longer.
Blankets? Blankets!
We all love blankets, even in the dread of summer when our relationship with them gets complicated. If you can’t bear the thought of going without a blanket, you should look into a weighted blanket. These blankets are made so that they have all the comforting, snuggle weight of a ton of blankets with only half the volume. This means you’ll be kept cool, while still feeling secure and comfortable.
As mentioned, sheets are a major comfort factor for any discerning bed shopper. You might be tempted to pick up the silky smooth silk or satin sheets, but this could be a big mistake depending on where you live. Silk sheets don’t transfer heat very well, so you’ll wind up suffocated by your own body heat trapped by the sheet.
The best solution for this is to look into lightweight, airy cotton sheets, which lose heat quickly and keep you cool at night. Bamboo sheets are wonderfully airy and a top pick for many the restless sleeper.
Our bodies naturally cool down at night to help other bodily processes function while we’re asleep. This is why airflow and cool bedrooms are important. They’re assisting us in sleeping better. Whether this means opening a window, turning on the AC or relying on a fan blasting on you at night, the cooler you keep yourself, the better and deeper you’ll sleep.
A good night’s sleep doesn’t have to be expensive, nor is it a massive challenge gauntlet to achieve. You simply have to pay attention to what your body naturally wants and implement these things into your nightly habits. You’ll be sleeping like a rock before you even know it.